We offer a mix of in-person and online, instructor-led courses. Search courses for more information.
See a summary of all our training options one page. All courses are currently available online.
The leader in business continuity education and certification across many industries, DRI International offers team training designed to fit the needs of every organization, from private corporations to the public sector and everywhere in-between.
DRI International offers colleges and universities the opportunity to familiarize their students with information on business continuity professions and certifications recognized by private and public sector organizations around the world.
Certification is a two-part process; verification of knowledge and confirmation of experience.
A DRI International certification is the most widely recognized and respected business continuity certification in the world. DRI only certifies professionals that have demonstrated both knowledge and experience in the business continuity and/or disaster recovery profession.
Learn more about how to unlock your DRI digital badge and display your DRI certification to enhance your online professional profile today.
Maintaining your DRI International certification carries two requirements; an annual maintenance fee as well as Continuing Education Activity Points (CEAP).
Be a part of the premier business continuity conference. Save the date for DRI2026 in Jacksonville, Florida, Feb. 22-25, 2026. Check back for more information.
We speak at numerous industry events around the globe and engage with our community in a variety of ways. Find out where you can meet DRI at these upcoming events.
Through committees and other initiatives, we publish research and insights about the profession. Explore our library and other resources.
DRI International webinars cover vital resilience issues, engaging and informing professionals in the field. See what's coming up next and view previously broadcast presentations here.
Learn how to hire the right business continuity professionals that will enable your organization to withstand any crisis and come through even stronger with the DRI Hiring Guide. Download now.
BCM is a holistic management process that identifies potential threats to an organization and the impacts to business operations those threats, if realized, might cause, and which provides a framework for building organizational resilience.
We reach out and engage as many audiences as possible using broad media coverage to provide a forum for discussion. We serve as a trusted resource to other professions and the general public.
We offer a mix of in-person and online, instructor-led courses. Search courses for more information.
See a summary of all our training options one page. All courses are currently available online.
The leader in business continuity education and certification across many industries, DRI International offers team training designed to fit the needs of every organization, from private corporations to the public sector and everywhere in-between.
DRI International offers colleges and universities the opportunity to familiarize their students with information on business continuity professions and certifications recognized by private and public sector organizations around the world.
Certification is a two-part process; verification of knowledge and confirmation of experience.
A DRI International certification is the most widely recognized and respected business continuity certification in the world. DRI only certifies professionals that have demonstrated both knowledge and experience in the business continuity and/or disaster recovery profession.
Learn more about how to unlock your DRI digital badge and display your DRI certification to enhance your online professional profile today.
Maintaining your DRI International certification carries two requirements; an annual maintenance fee as well as Continuing Education Activity Points (CEAP).
Be a part of the premier business continuity conference. Save the date for DRI2026 in Jacksonville, Florida , Feb. 22-25, 2026. Check back for more information.
We speak at numerous industry events around the globe and engage with our community in a variety of ways. Find out where you can meet DRI.
Through committees and other initiatives, we publish research and insights about the profession. Explore our library and other resources.
DRI International webinars cover vital resilience issues, engaging and informing professionals in the field. See what's coming up next and view previously broadcast presentations here.
Learn how to hire the right business continuity professionals that will enable your organization to withstand any crisis and come through even stronger with the DRI Hiring Guide. Download now.
BCM is a holistic management process that identifies potential threats to an organization and the impacts to business operations those threats, if realized, might cause, and which provides a framework for building organizational resilience.
We reach out and engage as many audiences as possible using broad media coverage to provide a forum for discussion. We serve as a trusted resource to other professions and the general public.
DRI International is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities can access the content offered through our website, www.drii.org.
If you are having trouble accessing www.drii.org, you can email driinfo@drii.org for assistance. Please put "ADA Inquiry" in the subject line of your email and we will assist you.
Día de la Continuidad de Negocio del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica
El 1ero de diciembre de 2017 se llevó a cabo en las instalaciones del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, el primer Día de la Continuidad del Negocio del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica. Esta actividad fue planificada con el objetivo de crear conciencia con partes interesadas del banco, así como otros miembros del sector financiero, sector privado y otras empresas, sobre la importancia de la Continuidad del Negocio en las organizaciones que desean ser resilientes a los efectos adversos del entorno.
La actividad contó con 100 participantes, 20 de ellos de otros países. Se contó con expositores de gran calidad, representantes de importantes organizaciones vinculadas a la Continuidad de los Negocios como el DRI Internacional, BSI, Protiviti, PwC, F24, DRJ en Español, BSC, BN Vital, entre otros.
El DRI Internacional estuvo representado por Karol Cordero, CBCP, Directora de Mercadeo para América Latina, quien abrió el evento con una presentación sobre Resiliencia Organizacional. Además el evento trató otros temas de actualidad como el análisis de impacto al negocio, estrategias de continuidad del negocio, comunicación estratégica en crisis y casos de éxito como fue el tema del expositor de BN Vital.
En una encuesta aplicada posterior al evento, el 84% de los encuestados consideran que volverían a atender de seguro la participación en este tipo de eventos organizados por el Banco Nacional, lo que deja un grado alto de satisfacción por la planificación del evento, los temas tratados y el agrado de los participantes.
Esperamos para el próximo año, en la 2da edición, proponer un modelo enfocado a foros con expertos en temas clave de la continuidad del negocio, que permita a los participantes una interacción mayor con estos y un desarrollo más amplio de temas que habitualmente generan algún tipo de incertidumbre y que este tipo de formato promueve con un manejo más interactivo con el público.
Randall Villalobos S., CBCP / Director/ Dirección Gestión Continuidad del Negocio
Preguntas y sugerencias puede hacerlas a kcordero@drii.org